Sunday, May 3, 2015

Late Introduction

Who I am and What This Is?

Hi bloggers and readers, my name is Shaun Moore. I was born and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I am person that is involved in sports at many levels. Basketball is my first love, though I would like to think I am good at all sports; even though I am not... (just a fun fact about myself). But the reason I composed this blog is illistrate a compilation of content related  skill learned throughout my academics and professionalism in communication. I am nearly finished in my pursuit for a B.A in communications. I am attending Ashford to complete in communication studies. With my first degree I would like to work for a major broadcast company or possibly within healthcare, therefore you can say I am undecided. I would like this blog to serve as information source in the field of communications and provide a hint of insight concerning some of the nuances of in the business. So with that being said, Welcome again to Moore In The Evenings 

Prospective Communication Organizations

Looking For Where to Start?

Public Relation Society of America (PRSA)

PRSA is an organization of nearly 22,000 college graduates with background primed for public relations and communications throughout America. Although it seem that their primary members are geared towards recent college grads, PRSA's include members  leaders of the world’s largest multinational firms. PRSA offers representatives that range in expertise in every field of communications including  professional and academic setting within the public relations. There also a healthy amount of 10,000 student members that study abroad here at PRSA. PRSA has been around since 1947, offering professional development, setting standards of excellence and upholding principles of ethics for its members and, more broadly, the multi-billion dollar global public relations profession. PRSA is one of the veteran public relations organization, that has been around for years and likely many more. (2009-15 The Public Relations Society of America)

American Communication Association (ACA)

ACA is a not-for-profit virtual professional association with actual presence in the world of communication scholars and practitioners. ACA was found in 1993, so there are relatively new. ACA was found off a core of four goals:  fostering scholarship in all areas of human communication behavior, promoting excellence in the pedagogy of communication, providing a voice in communication law and policy, and providing evaluation and certification services for academic programs in communication study. Throughout ACA time in the field, they have been dedicated to providing an effective use of new and evolving communication technologies to facilitate instruction, research, and criticism. ACA provides technologically-supportive venue for all who study the ways in which humans communicate.

Association for Women in Communication (AWC)

If you looking for an communication organization that here for the advancement of women in the field, the AWC is where you should be. The AWC itself in recognizing the “complex relationship that exist across the various practices of communication”. The AWC is truly one the oldest communication organization that was founded in 1909 by seven female journalist. Over the many years, the AWC’s prominent members have been bestowed many awards such as, Headliner Award which were give to notable like Gail Sheehy, Helen Thomas, Barbara Walters and Heloise. Currently the organization has over 2000 members mostly from urban and suburb area.  “The AWC member survey indicates 94% are college graduates, 47% hold graduate study or degrees; just over half work in for-profit businesses and most work in companies with fewer than 100 employees; most are salaried, full-time employees; approximately 40% are in the executive or management roles.” One the most stable organization in the nation. A great option for those seeking to join. (

International Association of Business Communication (IABC)

It could be said that the IABC are experts in audience interactions. IABC are sincere about passionately engaging their audience with strategic communication, which they defined as their purpose and Principles focus in their work and form a global standard. “Communication  professionals represent the voice of an organization as it interacts with customers, clients, employees, partners, shareholders, competitors and the community.”I believe this would be the organization for a person like myself. In the IABC, there seem to be a heavy focus upon bringing the organization to life with a brand voice that aligns its verbal, visual and digital messages and activities. This aspect of communication allow a person that already outgoing and upbeat to be as creative a possible. In order to be effective with their approach of communication there would be a lot of face to face encounters which I feel is most inclusive and fun. (

IEEE Communication Society

This organization was established in 1952, and has evolved into diverse organization of global industry professionals with like goal in promoting all communications technologies. Communication Society works in the area of advertising such as printing advertising, online advertising like e-new and advertising banners packages. “Members interact across international and technological borders to”:
  • produce publications
  • organize conferences
  • foster educational programs
  • promote local activities
  • work on technical committees
So if you were looking for organizations that can spring you in to great opportunities... Here a few of my suggestions... Good luck!!!