Sunday, May 3, 2015

Late Introduction

Who I am and What This Is?

Hi bloggers and readers, my name is Shaun Moore. I was born and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I am person that is involved in sports at many levels. Basketball is my first love, though I would like to think I am good at all sports; even though I am not... (just a fun fact about myself). But the reason I composed this blog is illistrate a compilation of content related  skill learned throughout my academics and professionalism in communication. I am nearly finished in my pursuit for a B.A in communications. I am attending Ashford to complete in communication studies. With my first degree I would like to work for a major broadcast company or possibly within healthcare, therefore you can say I am undecided. I would like this blog to serve as information source in the field of communications and provide a hint of insight concerning some of the nuances of in the business. So with that being said, Welcome again to Moore In The Evenings 

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