Monday, April 13, 2015

4 Vital Media Technologies

Media Tech

Before reading the 4 forms of media that I have selected... I would like my readers to recognize that they share two vital traits: awareness and insight

Social Media

Social media is an expression that is used daily, but it can sometimes be hard to receive a complete understanding of social media. Social media has been the most impactful form of media in the past decade. Social media is now paired with almost every aspect of communication. Networks have used it to reach out to various audiences. Celebrities have used it a form of self branding. Many of us use social media as just another way to network instantly and from anywhere. So, when you the application that are being used within social sphere, it easy to conclude that social media has played a constructive role within our society. Social media has heightened awareness within the world unlike any other media technology platform. Social media has allowed us to become less isolated individuals. In a positive sense social media has help mold our society for the better. In many aspects social media has actively tried to side with the truth and relevant factors. Social media technologies take on various forms such as blogs, company networks, forums, products/services review, bookmarking, gaming, video sharing and virtual worlds. There is a growing trend towards using social media and monitoring tools that allow marketers to explore, follow, and examine conversations on the internet about their product or topics of interest. This can be useful when handling PR related tasks, promotional tracking, allowing users to evaluate return on various investments, and public commitments. There are various positive effects of social media and other internet based social networks such as documenting memories, learn about and explore things, advertising and form friendships.

News Ticker

News ticker have become a major part of broadcast. New ticker are  primarily horizontal, text-based display either in the form of a graphic that typically resides in the lower third of the screen space on a television station or network. The purpose of this aspect media is to display breaking new, recent events, minute by minute updates on scores and events. Most tickers are traditionally displayed in the form of crawling text running from right to left across the screen or building display, allowing for headlines of varying degrees of detail. News tickers have always been in previous broadcast use, but their usage peaked after the attacks on September 11, 2001. Since that time, many of the major news stations including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others have continued to keep showing the news ticker almost continuously. The presentation of headlines or other information in a news ticker has become a common element of many different news networks. News tickers today have got evolve originally from ticker tape. Ticker tape was a rolling piece of paper that was mechanized to record the prices of stocks in Morse code so it could be transmitted over telegraph lines. The ticker tape was a revolution over the previously used hand-written recordings of stock prices. Ticker tape finally came to an end when the TV became a more efficient way to broadcast stock in the early 1950’s. NBC was first network to utilize the ticker in January 15, 1952. The ticker was not too popular to start off in broadcast and was quickly drop.


A camera, by the most basic of definitions, captures still photographs or video, either on film or digitally. Cameras are used in nearly every aspect of the media. Personal photography has been a part of the lives of many individuals for a long time. A photo not only represents a documentary of a person’s life, but creates sentimental value. Individuals use photography to capture feelings, events, experiences, and communicate with others. Cameras provide images to give individuals an image to news topics, advertisement, brands and etc. Cameras are used in every audience setting. Photographs and videos have become very important to communication, education and the protection of history. Cameras help sketch a tale in a way that words cannot. Videos and pictures assist in setting the story. The key things camera do within the media is protect the moment. Famous photographs of notable moments and events from history were made possible by the camera. The latest innovations not only support interactions of people with technology, but also facilitate new forms of interaction with others. Mobile phones and camera phones are examples of such technology. In current years, the primary function of mobile phones has changed from being a means of verbal or text communication to one that uses pictures to assist with an individual’s social life. Mobile phones that include camera and video features have changed the way individuals communicate, interact and outline their social activities. Camera’s on mobile phones help share a past and present moments using photos to begin social interaction with individuals.


The newspaper in these recent times is now consider primitive,  yet still offers one of the broadest reaches of mass media. According to the Concord Monitor Press, it is estimated that the average issue of a daily or Sunday newspaper reaches more adults than an average half-hour of prime-time television.  Also  the primary audience mainly older males that 45 years old or older. People who use newspaper  look for and forward to ads in newspapers, whereas they often resent advertising in other media. It can be used to keep up with the current event and avoid the complexities of new technologies. The newspaper was medium created after the book. Before newspapers, the book was one the first vehicles of mass communication. The book served as a orderly delivery system to distribute gathered information, which was ultimately great in terms of spreading information; yet, it was inefficient getting the information out in a timely matter. In the golden era of book, not many people had the luxury of conveniently accessing book, therefore a change was needed. In comes the newspaper, with its ability to quickly be dispersed to the masses while being cheap enough for everyone to afford. The greatest benefit that newspaper delivered on unlike it predecessor, was it’s daily consistency. Books can take months, even years to be produce. By the time the significant information is shared, a number of other events, discoveries and current issues have occurred. Newspapers purpose in our lives is vital, though sometime we take it for granted. Newspapers give us awareness. If newspapers were to suddenly go missing, we would not have a true picture of our surrounding. Without this awareness then we would not have proper incite on how to conduct our daily lives. Newspapers help broaden our knowledge and perspective. In a way you could say that newspaper were our first form of social media.


  1. Shuan your blog has a good design content, that utilize colors that seem to work really well together. Your blog is so bright and welcoming. There is such a great usage of photos that really enhances your blog. Your blog has more content then the other blogs I have reviewed, giving viewers much more to read and enjoy. The only revision I see so far is that you need to make sure that all of pictures come through. Overall this is the best blog I have reviewed so far.

  2. Read the blog and you did excellent job with your design. I have to learn how to attached posting video to my blog

  3. Shaun

    I love the name that you gave your blog, playing on your actual name.

    You have done a good job of using pictures, and the read more link on your longest post.

    This last post has some variation in the text, which is a very easy fix. Don't forget to preview the post in order to look for these things.

    Great blog presentation and materials overall!
