Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Working With Each Other

Team Work in Organization 

Within organization it is imperative that we find way to manage conflict. Conflict is vital for meaningful problem solving and for effective interpersonal relationships within organizations. One way of dealing with conflict is coming up with a strategy in order to resolve the conflict somewhat seamlessly. In organization leaders are in charge of creating a work environment that promotes people to thrive. If turf wars, disagreements and differences of opinion escalate into interpersonal conflict, managers and leaders must intervene immediately. Humanresource.about.com (2010) Sitting on your hands is not an option because it can destablize the value and culture of an organization.
Often those involved organizations view conflict as a bad situation, or something to steer clear of. Yet conflict, differences, or disagreements are a natural result of people working together. Without these conflicts, teams can become complacent and not perform at peaks levels. Obviously, one of the core responsibilities of any supervisor or group leader is to solve conflict. The two key goals for a group leader are to remain impartial, and to facilitate understanding among the group members. chumans.com (2010)
One example would be, an employee may be dealing with an unsatisfiedcustomer, and instead of making a decision on how to solve the problem with the customer, the employee deicide to get the manager involvement(or leader). Meanwhile, the employee then can take on the position of collecting the information on what the customer’s issue is, the employee allows the resolution to leader (Lorette,2015).
It can be a tremendous source of creativity, and at the same time it can sidetrack a team. What makes the difference is having group members, and a group leader that understands and manages conflict effectively. chumans.com (2010) Conflict on the job, in religious settings, in general conversation is as natural as drinking water but how we react and manage conflict makes the difference in how the outcome will be.

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