Thursday, April 30, 2015

Working with Diversity

Incorporating Diversity

As we journey further into global organizations we without a doubt are moving to a more heavily diversity concerns with in the workplace. Our nations population is now increasingly diverse and so has our workplace.   Understanding and recognizing diversity is important to runninng a thriving organization.  One of the first rule to thumb the diversity is not going anywhere and the importance of addressing it.  The world in thought is similar on comparison to an ocean floor, although we are under the impression that we have knowledge of every  swimming creature within our vast ocean, we barely know every creature our ocean floor represent.  And how could we know? Organizational leaders must communicate to their employees the intentions about what is acceptable workplace behavior that reflect policies and standards. (2010) Organizations like the ocean floor must find ways to recognize each individual and productively find out what exactly each individual will be able to bring to the table to create a seamless work environment.
 Assumption are often how organizational mishaps occur. For example,we often view older employees as washed up or a group that does deal with new technological advances, but really they are the veteran people who have the knowledge base that has supported the organizations for years.  One way of building better diversity is conduct mandatory diversity workshop for all employees. A method to improve diversity in the workplace is, come up with design model that would be inclusive in the hiring process of employees. As a part of employee orientation implement classes in understanding diversity.  It would be a part of our service credo so that others would know that as an organization we will not be challenged by diversity.

The best method to breakdown diversity within an organization is through statistical evidence that insinuate that there is an issue with diversity in an organization. Focusing on diversity and looking for practices to create an inclusive organization and one that makes absolute use of the contributions of all employees that will generate increased productivity. (2010) Diversity is one of the most important avenues of any organization, especially in this current economy with the majority of organizations looking to work and function globally. Recognizing the need to implement diversity training will help organization develop and strengthen differences that help make up a strong organization.


Diversity in the Workplace - Building a Work Environment where Performance Thrives (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from

Diversity Training (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from www.
A world of difference: Diversity (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from

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