Sunday, May 3, 2015

Late Introduction

Who I am and What This Is?

Hi bloggers and readers, my name is Shaun Moore. I was born and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I am person that is involved in sports at many levels. Basketball is my first love, though I would like to think I am good at all sports; even though I am not... (just a fun fact about myself). But the reason I composed this blog is illistrate a compilation of content related  skill learned throughout my academics and professionalism in communication. I am nearly finished in my pursuit for a B.A in communications. I am attending Ashford to complete in communication studies. With my first degree I would like to work for a major broadcast company or possibly within healthcare, therefore you can say I am undecided. I would like this blog to serve as information source in the field of communications and provide a hint of insight concerning some of the nuances of in the business. So with that being said, Welcome again to Moore In The Evenings 

Prospective Communication Organizations

Looking For Where to Start?

Public Relation Society of America (PRSA)

PRSA is an organization of nearly 22,000 college graduates with background primed for public relations and communications throughout America. Although it seem that their primary members are geared towards recent college grads, PRSA's include members  leaders of the world’s largest multinational firms. PRSA offers representatives that range in expertise in every field of communications including  professional and academic setting within the public relations. There also a healthy amount of 10,000 student members that study abroad here at PRSA. PRSA has been around since 1947, offering professional development, setting standards of excellence and upholding principles of ethics for its members and, more broadly, the multi-billion dollar global public relations profession. PRSA is one of the veteran public relations organization, that has been around for years and likely many more. (2009-15 The Public Relations Society of America)

American Communication Association (ACA)

ACA is a not-for-profit virtual professional association with actual presence in the world of communication scholars and practitioners. ACA was found in 1993, so there are relatively new. ACA was found off a core of four goals:  fostering scholarship in all areas of human communication behavior, promoting excellence in the pedagogy of communication, providing a voice in communication law and policy, and providing evaluation and certification services for academic programs in communication study. Throughout ACA time in the field, they have been dedicated to providing an effective use of new and evolving communication technologies to facilitate instruction, research, and criticism. ACA provides technologically-supportive venue for all who study the ways in which humans communicate.

Association for Women in Communication (AWC)

If you looking for an communication organization that here for the advancement of women in the field, the AWC is where you should be. The AWC itself in recognizing the “complex relationship that exist across the various practices of communication”. The AWC is truly one the oldest communication organization that was founded in 1909 by seven female journalist. Over the many years, the AWC’s prominent members have been bestowed many awards such as, Headliner Award which were give to notable like Gail Sheehy, Helen Thomas, Barbara Walters and Heloise. Currently the organization has over 2000 members mostly from urban and suburb area.  “The AWC member survey indicates 94% are college graduates, 47% hold graduate study or degrees; just over half work in for-profit businesses and most work in companies with fewer than 100 employees; most are salaried, full-time employees; approximately 40% are in the executive or management roles.” One the most stable organization in the nation. A great option for those seeking to join. (

International Association of Business Communication (IABC)

It could be said that the IABC are experts in audience interactions. IABC are sincere about passionately engaging their audience with strategic communication, which they defined as their purpose and Principles focus in their work and form a global standard. “Communication  professionals represent the voice of an organization as it interacts with customers, clients, employees, partners, shareholders, competitors and the community.”I believe this would be the organization for a person like myself. In the IABC, there seem to be a heavy focus upon bringing the organization to life with a brand voice that aligns its verbal, visual and digital messages and activities. This aspect of communication allow a person that already outgoing and upbeat to be as creative a possible. In order to be effective with their approach of communication there would be a lot of face to face encounters which I feel is most inclusive and fun. (

IEEE Communication Society

This organization was established in 1952, and has evolved into diverse organization of global industry professionals with like goal in promoting all communications technologies. Communication Society works in the area of advertising such as printing advertising, online advertising like e-new and advertising banners packages. “Members interact across international and technological borders to”:
  • produce publications
  • organize conferences
  • foster educational programs
  • promote local activities
  • work on technical committees
So if you were looking for organizations that can spring you in to great opportunities... Here a few of my suggestions... Good luck!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Working with Diversity

Incorporating Diversity

As we journey further into global organizations we without a doubt are moving to a more heavily diversity concerns with in the workplace. Our nations population is now increasingly diverse and so has our workplace.   Understanding and recognizing diversity is important to runninng a thriving organization.  One of the first rule to thumb the diversity is not going anywhere and the importance of addressing it.  The world in thought is similar on comparison to an ocean floor, although we are under the impression that we have knowledge of every  swimming creature within our vast ocean, we barely know every creature our ocean floor represent.  And how could we know? Organizational leaders must communicate to their employees the intentions about what is acceptable workplace behavior that reflect policies and standards. (2010) Organizations like the ocean floor must find ways to recognize each individual and productively find out what exactly each individual will be able to bring to the table to create a seamless work environment.
 Assumption are often how organizational mishaps occur. For example,we often view older employees as washed up or a group that does deal with new technological advances, but really they are the veteran people who have the knowledge base that has supported the organizations for years.  One way of building better diversity is conduct mandatory diversity workshop for all employees. A method to improve diversity in the workplace is, come up with design model that would be inclusive in the hiring process of employees. As a part of employee orientation implement classes in understanding diversity.  It would be a part of our service credo so that others would know that as an organization we will not be challenged by diversity.

The best method to breakdown diversity within an organization is through statistical evidence that insinuate that there is an issue with diversity in an organization. Focusing on diversity and looking for practices to create an inclusive organization and one that makes absolute use of the contributions of all employees that will generate increased productivity. (2010) Diversity is one of the most important avenues of any organization, especially in this current economy with the majority of organizations looking to work and function globally. Recognizing the need to implement diversity training will help organization develop and strengthen differences that help make up a strong organization.


Diversity in the Workplace - Building a Work Environment where Performance Thrives (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from

Diversity Training (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from www.
A world of difference: Diversity (2010) retrieved September 10, 2010 from

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Concept Writing

Writing With Purpose

Social media has now ventured into the business world. Every where we go now companies are settting Twitter accounts, blogspots and other social media platforms to promote product or the overall company. In this new information age, for all its high-tech gadgetry, success is writing based. One forming of witing that is vital in this branch of communication is concept writing.

Concept writing involves explaining concepts and ideas to others who may not be familiar with them. Explain, or exposition, is very much like teaching someone.  Therefore, explaining a concept, a key factor is to hook your audience's interest in your concept and keep it. An introduction that initially engages the reader or listener, a body that communicates the main argument and comprehendible conclusion that leaves the audience enlighten. Keeping that in mind concept must be explained in steps. Determining the topic of the concept is key element in the task. To explain, or expose, a subject requires that you know why and how something is or is not. Understanding the topic gives you a clear path to exclamation. Narrow down the information into a precise idea that you want to make clear to your audience. Concept essays themes tend to be more abstract than the topics for other essays. For example, you may be asked to write about how to create a culture within organization, communication theories or simple business wisdom. Thinking about what you already know about your subject and then find out what you don't know. You are educating someone about a topic, so make sure you know as much as possible about it. Once you have done your research, you will decide how much of it to use. Again make sure the correct information is broadcast quite important. You do not want "go over the audience head". Maintain interest with clear precise detail. Details should support the topic , and the overall body should support your concept. Remind the audience of the main idea of your concept. A conclusion summarizes the main points of your idea. Be careful to word this in a new way so your essay does not seem repetitive but, make sure that its not falling out context and confusing the audience. Also ask question to make sure of comprehension.

Working With Each Other

Team Work in Organization 

Within organization it is imperative that we find way to manage conflict. Conflict is vital for meaningful problem solving and for effective interpersonal relationships within organizations. One way of dealing with conflict is coming up with a strategy in order to resolve the conflict somewhat seamlessly. In organization leaders are in charge of creating a work environment that promotes people to thrive. If turf wars, disagreements and differences of opinion escalate into interpersonal conflict, managers and leaders must intervene immediately. (2010) Sitting on your hands is not an option because it can destablize the value and culture of an organization.
Often those involved organizations view conflict as a bad situation, or something to steer clear of. Yet conflict, differences, or disagreements are a natural result of people working together. Without these conflicts, teams can become complacent and not perform at peaks levels. Obviously, one of the core responsibilities of any supervisor or group leader is to solve conflict. The two key goals for a group leader are to remain impartial, and to facilitate understanding among the group members. (2010)
One example would be, an employee may be dealing with an unsatisfiedcustomer, and instead of making a decision on how to solve the problem with the customer, the employee deicide to get the manager involvement(or leader). Meanwhile, the employee then can take on the position of collecting the information on what the customer’s issue is, the employee allows the resolution to leader (Lorette,2015).
It can be a tremendous source of creativity, and at the same time it can sidetrack a team. What makes the difference is having group members, and a group leader that understands and manages conflict effectively. (2010) Conflict on the job, in religious settings, in general conversation is as natural as drinking water but how we react and manage conflict makes the difference in how the outcome will be.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fighting Organizational Entropy

Organizational Development 

The steps of organizing, which is riddled with obstacles and hardships, is a continuous battle for many organizations. It takes an incredible amount of initiative and impactful communication to create the channels of cooperative kinship and coordinated projects needed to achieve complex organizational standards. There are always different hang-up, errors, and demands that arise in organizational life that can break down an organization.  In systems theory language, this threat of organizational erosion is known as entropy, the natural degradation of systems that leads to disorganization (Berrien, 1976). There is an inherit habit for all systems, but especially for human systems, such as the organizations we all participate in, to deteriorate and disorganize over time. In physical systems, the entropic threats that break down buildings and machinery can be traced to environmental and chemical processes such as the negative effects of gravity and oxidation. Organizational strategy and innovation combats against that. Many things can be done to prevent the natural trend toward entropy, to help keep organizational members on task, to adapt organizational processes to meet new demands, to identify emerging threats to organization, and to implement plans to overcome these threats. The process of organizational renewal that helps organizations resist entropy and promote ongoing organization is known as organizational development (Schein, 1969). If form follows functions, these steps along with awareness will be helpful for your business getting bigger and bigger.

Conflict Resolution

Navigating Conflict 

Conflict form part of people’s livelihood, every moment of time people conflict in ideas and opinions. There exist many types of conflicts; some of the most common types include domestic conflicts, where people of a given family or household engage in constant loggerheads with each other (Deutsch & Coleman, 2000). Causes of such may be land issues, inheritance, and leadership among others. Another type of conflict is the social conflict. This is where a person is at conflicting interest with certain aspects in the community. These may include norms, rules, and regulations, social cultures among other things.

Effective conflict resolution is the solution to all these types of conflicts. The best approach to any successful conflict resolution is putting in place proper communication strategies (Jandt, 2003). Such strategies will ensure that both conflicting parties achieve their interests fairly and in the most peaceful way possible. A good communication strategy ensures fairness and justice during the process of the conflict resolution.

One of the best ways for effective conflict resolution is by communicating in a manner that will facilitate the problem solving process. This means that both the conflicting parties and the arbitrator must talk in the direction that is leading towards finding a solution. The arbitrator should also avoid being bias towards one party; all communications must remain neutral for effectiveness to be achieved.

Another important strategy is to be open and not withdraw from the conflict. People are often cowered during conflicts and therefore they are tempted to withdraw in effort to find quick remedies. The best way out is to be open in all communication. Each party needs to air its views in the presence of the arbitrator independently and openly. The arbitrator then will form an opinion as to which party is right and which is wrong.

During this process, one needs observe what what he/she says, and the manner in which they say these words. Communication is very important in instances as these. The manner in which certain words are spoken can depict different meanings, depending on the context (Lincoln, 2002).  This implies that the arbitrator needs to advise both parties on the importance of proper communication during the entire process. Anger and stress can be triggered by certain words and they can also be quenched by certain words.  The choice of words is therefore deemed paramount.

Active listening is also encouraged during conflict resolution. Both the parties need to make each other fully aware that they have in-depth understanding of the situation at hand. This can only be achieved through proper listening.  It is also through this that the arbitrator will find grounds for settling the conflicting parties.  The arbitrator should play an active role in informing these persons about the importance of listening keenly and carefully to each other.

During the process of communicating their grievances, both the conflicting parties need to periodically summarize what they have discussed. This will help them not forget the very important aspects of their discussion (Mayer, 2000). Making a summery of the communication can lead to fast solution since each party will know the progress of their petition.

Abiding by these simple communication strategies can lead to a great breakthrough during conflict resolution.  It is worth noting that communication is the only easiest and the most effective means of settling any form of dispute. Withdrawing from the dispute or maintaining silence will even worsen the situation at hand.  The above simple resolution methods can lead to very excellent outcome.

Deutsch, M., & Coleman, P. T. (2000). The handbook of conflict resolution theory and practice. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.
Jandt, F. E. (2003). Conflict resolution through communication. New York: Harper & Row.
Lincoln, M. (2002). Conflict resolution communication: patterns promoting peaceful schools.
Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
Mayer, B. S. (2000). The dynamics of conflict resolution: a practitioner's guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Body Language in Cross Culture Communications

Mannerisms and Awareness

 One crucial part communication that is often overlooked is nonverbal communications. Research shows that gestures and eye contact are the two different areas that are used in different manners throughout many cultures. Therefore it is important for companies and prospective employee to practice correct way to handle nonverbal communication as to not offend other cultures. For instance, here in America we often wave with our hand and point with our finger at people or things we want. Other culture may find those gestures to be rude and offensive. In a culture such as Japan, finger to point towards another person because that gesture is considered rude is substituted with  gesture with an open hand, with palm facing up, toward the person.

Eye contact is another nonverbal communication that could be utilized differently throughout business cultures. In America eye contact is used to demonstrate honesty and straightforwardness. Nonetheless, in Middle Eastern and part of Asia, extended duration of eye contact can be looked at as rude or aggressive in various settings. Also in terms of gender, nonverbal communication in here in the states is pretty liberal and women are able to enjoy the same liberties as men in the business world. Yet, in other culture women may need to avoid eye contact altogether because lingering eye contact can be viewed as a sign of sexual interest. Understanding this aspect of intercultural communication will be observing the two of the "Ten Commandments of Intercultural Communications"::

 VII. Be aware of body language: learn the basic differences in the way people supplement their words with body movement;

VIII. Be aware of different etiquette rules or manners: what is polite in one culture may be considered rude in another;

Understanding these principles are valuable in communication, because it is the one  presentation in communication that has proved relevant through every technological innovation


Article Source:

Managing Unhappy Employees

Resolving Workplace Issues

It is no secret that dispirited employee can hurt the level of high customer service need to run a business successfully and be detrimental to work environment. Here is how to address the issue. First thing you must keep in mind when addressing a disgruntled employee is to remain professional. Cool heads always prevail when dealing when navigating through hostile terrain such as angry employees. It is important to avoid raising your voice, swearing and mimicking the unwanted the behavior of your employee. As when negotiate with anyone a nice steady tone should be used to maintain a sense of common. Keep in mind, that often the situation is never personal, and a professional attitude is important for the situation and the representation of your company. Though it is important to keep a professional appearance, starting the dialogue with a friendly conversation can be helpful for the imminent difficult one. Also when the conversation starts, try not dominate. Effective communication starts with listening.

Timing is another aspect when addressing employee conflict. You should never let the problem fester. Noticing it and avoiding addressing it just gives the employee time for their attitude to fester which causes more problem within your team of employees. The quicker you can address the problem, the quicker you can avoid the the problem growing. Additionally, after the situation has been resolved with the disgruntled employee, do not let rumors spawn around around the company. Set aside time to inform the staff that the issue has been taken care of and that it is time for the staff to redirect their focus to business.

It also best that when communicating with the upset employee it done behind closed doors. A private setting is necessary.  Addressing the issue in the site of others could cause the employee to become embarrassed, thus possibly sparking their disgruntled fire. When it comes to being professional,  handling the situation as a matter that needs to be addressed privately with that employee. Maintaining control of the issue is a must in conflict resolution. If a disgruntled employee has the company stalled while everyone tries to deal with their drama, then they are being empowered which causes you to in essence to lose power. For production and teamwork sake it is important not to give that sort of power to a hostile employee. Maintain control with the conversation. Again remember tone is everything.

The best approach I believe in terms of a disgruntled employee thats been documented as having problems such as: performing at a substandard level, received numerous complaints from customers and coworkers, and displayed confrontational behavior which has created a hostile environment.. the best solution would be to create new incentive that may sir a better moral out of the employee.  For example, introduce maybe a new venue to give the employee a change pace and environment. See you can understand the reasoning for the change in attitude and see if his or her new needs can be reasonably accommodate. Most importantly, you should show that the employee work is valued and be there as a source encouragement. These tips should bring about a peace workplace.


Monday, April 13, 2015

4 Vital Media Technologies

Media Tech

Before reading the 4 forms of media that I have selected... I would like my readers to recognize that they share two vital traits: awareness and insight

Social Media

Social media is an expression that is used daily, but it can sometimes be hard to receive a complete understanding of social media. Social media has been the most impactful form of media in the past decade. Social media is now paired with almost every aspect of communication. Networks have used it to reach out to various audiences. Celebrities have used it a form of self branding. Many of us use social media as just another way to network instantly and from anywhere. So, when you the application that are being used within social sphere, it easy to conclude that social media has played a constructive role within our society. Social media has heightened awareness within the world unlike any other media technology platform. Social media has allowed us to become less isolated individuals. In a positive sense social media has help mold our society for the better. In many aspects social media has actively tried to side with the truth and relevant factors. Social media technologies take on various forms such as blogs, company networks, forums, products/services review, bookmarking, gaming, video sharing and virtual worlds. There is a growing trend towards using social media and monitoring tools that allow marketers to explore, follow, and examine conversations on the internet about their product or topics of interest. This can be useful when handling PR related tasks, promotional tracking, allowing users to evaluate return on various investments, and public commitments. There are various positive effects of social media and other internet based social networks such as documenting memories, learn about and explore things, advertising and form friendships.

News Ticker

News ticker have become a major part of broadcast. New ticker are  primarily horizontal, text-based display either in the form of a graphic that typically resides in the lower third of the screen space on a television station or network. The purpose of this aspect media is to display breaking new, recent events, minute by minute updates on scores and events. Most tickers are traditionally displayed in the form of crawling text running from right to left across the screen or building display, allowing for headlines of varying degrees of detail. News tickers have always been in previous broadcast use, but their usage peaked after the attacks on September 11, 2001. Since that time, many of the major news stations including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others have continued to keep showing the news ticker almost continuously. The presentation of headlines or other information in a news ticker has become a common element of many different news networks. News tickers today have got evolve originally from ticker tape. Ticker tape was a rolling piece of paper that was mechanized to record the prices of stocks in Morse code so it could be transmitted over telegraph lines. The ticker tape was a revolution over the previously used hand-written recordings of stock prices. Ticker tape finally came to an end when the TV became a more efficient way to broadcast stock in the early 1950’s. NBC was first network to utilize the ticker in January 15, 1952. The ticker was not too popular to start off in broadcast and was quickly drop.


A camera, by the most basic of definitions, captures still photographs or video, either on film or digitally. Cameras are used in nearly every aspect of the media. Personal photography has been a part of the lives of many individuals for a long time. A photo not only represents a documentary of a person’s life, but creates sentimental value. Individuals use photography to capture feelings, events, experiences, and communicate with others. Cameras provide images to give individuals an image to news topics, advertisement, brands and etc. Cameras are used in every audience setting. Photographs and videos have become very important to communication, education and the protection of history. Cameras help sketch a tale in a way that words cannot. Videos and pictures assist in setting the story. The key things camera do within the media is protect the moment. Famous photographs of notable moments and events from history were made possible by the camera. The latest innovations not only support interactions of people with technology, but also facilitate new forms of interaction with others. Mobile phones and camera phones are examples of such technology. In current years, the primary function of mobile phones has changed from being a means of verbal or text communication to one that uses pictures to assist with an individual’s social life. Mobile phones that include camera and video features have changed the way individuals communicate, interact and outline their social activities. Camera’s on mobile phones help share a past and present moments using photos to begin social interaction with individuals.


The newspaper in these recent times is now consider primitive,  yet still offers one of the broadest reaches of mass media. According to the Concord Monitor Press, it is estimated that the average issue of a daily or Sunday newspaper reaches more adults than an average half-hour of prime-time television.  Also  the primary audience mainly older males that 45 years old or older. People who use newspaper  look for and forward to ads in newspapers, whereas they often resent advertising in other media. It can be used to keep up with the current event and avoid the complexities of new technologies. The newspaper was medium created after the book. Before newspapers, the book was one the first vehicles of mass communication. The book served as a orderly delivery system to distribute gathered information, which was ultimately great in terms of spreading information; yet, it was inefficient getting the information out in a timely matter. In the golden era of book, not many people had the luxury of conveniently accessing book, therefore a change was needed. In comes the newspaper, with its ability to quickly be dispersed to the masses while being cheap enough for everyone to afford. The greatest benefit that newspaper delivered on unlike it predecessor, was it’s daily consistency. Books can take months, even years to be produce. By the time the significant information is shared, a number of other events, discoveries and current issues have occurred. Newspapers purpose in our lives is vital, though sometime we take it for granted. Newspapers give us awareness. If newspapers were to suddenly go missing, we would not have a true picture of our surrounding. Without this awareness then we would not have proper incite on how to conduct our daily lives. Newspapers help broaden our knowledge and perspective. In a way you could say that newspaper were our first form of social media.